Here to build a winning team

This archived article was written by: Hayden Peterson
Every school year begins with new faces, some who are here to further their education, and some who are here to help students along the way. This week we are going to take a look into the life of one of those new faces on campus and learn a little more about what he is doing here. The Eagle’s spotlight shines on men’s assistant basketball coach Carter Roe. He was brought in by head Coach Adjalma Vanderlei Becheli Jr, (Vando) this year to build a winning team. The basketball players enjoy having Roe around because he cares for them not only as his athletes but also as people. “He is always reminding us of upcoming assignments in our classes as well as encouraging us to be better students,” said Travon Langston. Roe grew up in Arizona; he was born in Phoenix on New Year’s day in 1982. His mom, Beth, and his father, Jim, both worked while he was growing up so that they could provide for his family.
He said of his mother, “She is the GREATEST woman I have known, the definition of grace.” Roe has three siblings as well, his older sister Jordan, his younger sister Chandler, and a younger brother named Taylor, all of whom are successful. Probably being a little humble Roe mentioned, “To say I am the dummy of the family would be an understatement.” When he turned 11, his family followed his father’s work to Yuma, Ari.
Basketball was always the center of Roe’s life. The guys that he played with are still his closest friends and he cherishes many memories with them. After graduating high school Roe went on to study at Arizona Western College, it was there that he began his college education and ended his basketball dreams. “Basketball ended because I quit on myself, which is something I regret every single day of my life. Part of coaching for me is trying to make sure the kids I have a chance to influence never do what I did.”
Roe has held many coaching jobs since graduating from NAU. He started at McCook Community College, where he also taught a few courses. Then he was offered what he called a dream job: a coaching position at Arizona Western, in his hometown of Yuma.
Thanks to Coach Kelly Green, (the first coach who Roe worked with) we were able to land Coach Roe at USU Eastern. Roe said that he’d be mistaken if he didn’t mention he was a Christian man, who falls short most days, but is trying to be better and more Christ-like each and every day.”
He is caring and always concerned about others before himself. Good luck Coach Roe. We look forward to watching your men perform on the court this year.