March 31, 2025

Durrant field undergoing xeriscaping

The Durrant Field located just north of the MacDonald Career Center, is undergoing xeriscaping in an effort to better utilize the resources of the college.
When the Field was first gifted to the college several years ago, the southern end of the field was covered in asphalt and a building that was no longer in use.
Brad King, vice chancellor of administration, recalls the steps taken to improve functionality of the field. They re-sodded part of the field, but due to lack of funds, were unable to sod the entire field. Instead, grass seed was planted on the southern half.

This archived article was written by: Emily Williams

The Durrant Field located just north of the MacDonald Career Center, is undergoing xeriscaping in an effort to better utilize the resources of the college.
When the Field was first gifted to the college several years ago, the southern end of the field was covered in asphalt and a building that was no longer in use.
Brad King, vice chancellor of administration, recalls the steps taken to improve functionality of the field. They re-sodded part of the field, but due to lack of funds, were unable to sod the entire field. Instead, grass seed was planted on the southern half.
One of the main uses of the Durrant field is to provide a location for summer programs, such as high school football, baseball, track, or other organizations, an area to practice.
King stated that the programs normally use the northern side to practice because the grass is better. With the participation of summer programing leaders, USU Eastern has identified the worst areas of grass and has begun a process called xeriscaping.
In a dry climate like Carbon County, xeriscaping is a great way to reduce the amount of water used. By adding rocks, gravel, and low-moisture trees to the field, the college will dramatically decrease the amount of water wasted on the southern grass that is rarely used. The field will maintain it’s functionality and will increase in aesthetic charm.
King reports that they are also looking into installing more picnic tables and creating a more welcoming environment for students to utilize.