October 22, 2024

Australia to Price: snow included

This archived article was written by: Michaella Crooks

Stephen Kiir from Australia is on the USU Eastern men’s basketball team. Born in Kenya, he is 6 feet 8 inches which is, “207 centimeters tall in Australia.” He has six siblings: three sisters and three brothers. Two things on Kiir’s bucket list are, “to skydive or bungee jump because it’s extreme.”
Kiir strives to have no regrets in his life. After college, Kiir has a big dream of, “playing in the NBA for any team that can pay good money because I have plans after that.”
For someone who is thinking about playing college basketball, his advice is, “to run before you come to college because if you don’t, they will kill you.” Other than basketball, he thinks he is good at “being smart.”
If Kiir could switch lives with anyone, he would choose to switch with, “Lebron James because he has good money.” If he could go any place in the world, Kirr’s top four would be Japan, Brazil, Spain and Italy.
A famous person Kiir has met was, “Patty Mills, a guy in the NBA from Australia.”
One of Kirr’s worst habits are, “thinking ahead to far.” His phobia is, “scared of being scared,” in other words he, “tries to avoid being scared.” If he was given a whole day off from all of his responsibilities, “he would do whatever he wants like eat everywhere and not have to pay for it.”
An embarrassing moment in Kirr’s life, “is when I got dunked on and it went on YouTube for the whole world to see.” The worst date he has ever been on was, “when I had to pay for everything when I didn’t want to because she asked me out.” A cartoon character that he wants to be is, “Luffy from One Piece.”
So far the basketball team’s record is, “one and one, but we should have won the last game.” Kirr came to USUE, “for the trainers and that’s important to me because my body is hurt.” His favorite color is blue and he plans on majoring in, “real estate.”
This is not the first time Kirr has lived in America. “I lived in Florida my senior year in high school because of basketball, but then I broke my leg so I left,” he stated. Kirr has had five stress fractures due to playing basketball and he has played basketball since the 10th grade. He stated, “Money motivates me to keep on playing.”
Price, Utah compared to Australia is, “very terrible, there is nothing to do and the people are very different.” He, “hates snow, so after college I want to live somewhere on the East Coast.” The one word he describes himself as is, “tall.” Kirr does not believe in heroes, “you live the life you want to live based on your perception.” His biggest fan and who keeps him going is, “money, it’s not a person. I motivate myself to keep going.”