Canidates sought for elections

This archived article was written by: Evette Allen
It is that time of year again, time for study-body elections at USU Eastern.
Student-body elections are held early in the spring semester of each year to select the best leaders to head initiatives for the USU Eastern student body. Three elected positions are available for students to campaign for.
First, the student-body president is the person who has the task of attending meeting with campus administration, leading a campaign of choice to strengthen the student body, serves as USU Eastern’s representative at the Utah State Association meetings, oversees the marketing and publicity team, oversees community connections, and assists with event planning for student government.
Second, the vice president of activities leads planning and execution of all campus events from student life, helps set the yearly activity calendar, trains event coordinators on event planning, oversees the clubs registration and activity processes and oversees athletic and intramural programs.
Third, the executive vice president works as an academic liaison between students and faculty, oversees the student advocate, oversees leadership programs and oversees diversity programs.
If a student is interested in any of these positions, stop by the student government office on the second floor of the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center for an application. Applications are due Feb. 1, 2016 at 5 p.m. in the student government office. For questions, contact [email protected].