Welding team captures 4th consecutive gold medal in Utah

The Welding Fabrication team placed first among 18 teams at the SkillsUSA Utah Skills and Leadership
Contest in Salt Lake City last month. It was Utah State Eastern’s fourth consecutive gold medal at the
Utah contest.
The welding students on the team were Lukas Worthington, Branson Gross, and Ty Anderson.
The four-hour contest required each team to fabricate a folding A-frame for tool storage using
mechanical prints provided by the contest committee. The project required the use of the Gas Metal Arc
Welding (GMAW) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) welding processes, as well as the Plasma Arc
Cutting (PAC) process.
The contest included many hold-points, where contest judges performed fabrication accuracy checks on
the projects during construction before allowing the teams to continue on. The teams were also
required to design and submit a set of prints of their own to propose their idea for a project theme for
the future.
The team travels to Atlanta in June to compete in the SkillsUSA National Skills and Leadership Contest
(NLSC). Eastern is the three-time defending national champion in the contest, and the team has set a
goal to win the competition for the fourth time in a row and 8th time total for Eastern.