How USU students enjoy the holiday season and new year

With the holiday season in full swing and the new year on its way, it is pretty cool to see how our fellow students at Utah State University Eastern spend their holiday season.
Personally, I love to spend my Christmas break with my family and friends. Every year, my family does a huge Christmas party. At our party, we do a gift exchange between all the cousins. It is so fun to buy gifts and see everyone so happy around the holidays.
Sadie Abraham is a sophomore at USUE and loves it here. Every year on Christmas, Abraham and her family get matching Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas day, they open up all the presents then head to their grandma’s house for breakfast. Later that night they head to their other grandma’s house for dinner. Being with her family is special to her and she loves the holiday season.
Andrew Lopez Morris is a freshman at USUE. For Christmas his family always takes family photos. They also do a gathering at his grandma’s house with all of his cousins. He loves Christmas because he gets to eat a lot of food and spend time with his cousins.
Spencer Bretey is a sophomore. Bretey loves Christmas time because there is a lot of snow and he loves to go skiing. Bretey also loves the holiday season because he gets to enjoy time with his friends and family that he doesn’t get to see often. Finally, he loves to drink eggnog because it is only in stores around Christmas time.
Devon Hooper is a sophomore at Utah State Eastern. Hooper loves Christmas because he is a very religious person, and for him Christmas marks the birth of his savior Jesus Christ. For him, it is a big deal because religion is a huge part of his life. He also loves Christmas because he gets to be together with all of his family and see his extended family. One of his favorite traditions is watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve.
Jacob Stathis is a freshman at Utah State Eastern. Stathis is especially excited for this Christmas because he will be leaving on a mission. Stathis leaves for his mission on Dec. 12. He is very excited to begin serving his mission this holiday season.
Conner Tait is a sophomore at USUE. Tait loves Christmas because he gets a break from school and he gets to spend time with his girlfriend’s extended family, he likes this because her family is loaded. Family time is something that Tait cherises a lot.
Dallin Braun is a freshman at Utah State Eastern. Braun really enjoys the Christmas season because, “One time Santa came and he was not given coal.” He also likes Christmas because he can eat a lot of food.
Mati Ball is a freshman at USUE. She loves the stockings her and her family have are like four feet tall and they love opening them together on Christmas Eve. She also loves hanging out with her family.
Connor Anderson is a sophomore at Utah State Eastern. Anderson loves Christmas because it is the beginning of ice fishing season and he also likes to go snowboarding. He is especially excited for this Christmas because he is hoping to get some new parts for his truck.
Overall, students at Utah State Eastern love the holiday season and many of them are so excited for a break from school and some quality time with their families.