March 4, 2025

Jasmine Petit

When I came to what was CEU, I was embraced into this community and family that supported one another and would do anything for each other. I remember Coach Brad Barton taking the whole men’s basketball team to watch the plays and home volleyball games. In turn the volleyball team and students in the theatre department would come to basketball games.

When I came to what was CEU, I was embraced into this community and family that supported one another and would do anything for each other. I remember Coach Brad Barton taking the whole men’s basketball team to watch the plays and home volleyball games. In turn the volleyball team and students in the theatre department would come to basketball games.
After Barton passed, it felt as though our small community was no longer united. Our students lost pride in being a Golden Eagle, our athletes lost their heart, the drive to be successful and many lost a great friend that had helped connect them to other departments in the school.
I saw posters that kept his memory alive, but it did not last. Our community crumbled and too many people walked around with heads hung.
First, I leave you with the words of Coach Barton, “worse things have happened to better people.” Stop walking around defeated with your heads down, you have made it to another day and you have friends that care about you. Stop worrying about what you do not have going for you and be grateful for what you do have. Life is too important to be thinking about what could have been, think about what is and how you can make it better.
Second, have pride, especially athletes, you are leaders at this school. When you step onto the field or the court, you are representing every person at school who wishes they could be there. Take advantage of it, make the most of your playing time. Stop crying that you did not get to play a lot, think about the people that do not get to play that wish could. Realize that this is an opportunity that few get and bust your butt to make those people proud. Have pride in yourself and your school, work hard to win and be successful, because you do not only represent yourself, you represent your classmates, your teammates, your coaches and your family.
Third, grow the hell up, stop blaming everyone for the bad choices you made and take responsibility for your life. Nobody can make you make a bad decision, you have made them all yourself, be accountable and be an adult and work hard to make things right. Stop looking to other people to bail you out. Nobody has to help you so you need to make sure you always help yourself by making smart choices.
Last, life is what you make of it, it can be miserable and you can feel like it is too much and you want out. Or you can be grateful for your trials, learn from them and become stronger. You can make your life long and unbearable or you can make the most of it and get an education and make something of yourself. You have that choice so make the most of the life you have, because you do not know how much of it you have left.
I would like to thank Coach David Paur for bringing me to CEU and never giving up on me, for giving me a chance and never regretting bringing me here. Thank you for helping me get better.
Coach Dan Allen, Thank you for helping me develop my skills as a defensive player and being a great friend.
Coach Vando, thank you for all the laughs and the bruises, it was my pleasure to sit next to you on the bench and blow out your ear drums as I screamed to cheer my team on.
Ruth Whiteside, from the first day that I met you, I loved you, you are the sweetest most kind hearted women and I pray for you every day.
Denette Moynier, you are too fun and I will miss you.
Debbie Prichard, you are so giving and have helped me so much and I am truly grateful for having known you. You are amazing.
Alex Herzog, I was so glad to find another New Yorker that was smart and understood I was not rude, just honest. Thank you for having confidence in me and the talks, you are more then an administrator you are my friend.
Joe Peterson, I admire how you support the students here and the athletes by attending games, you are an important part of the CEU community never stop supporting them they need you.
Robbin Snow, I am sure there are some that might over you look you but I want you to know you are the best mail room clerk ever. I enjoyed the small chats in passing and thank you for giving me my mail even when I forgot my key.
To all others in our school administration and teachers, thank you for what you do every day. Thank you for preparing our young minds to be leaders of tomorrow. You are appreciated.
Newspaper staff, what can I say you, guys certainly know how to make life interesting.
Susan Polster, I take off my hat to you, you are so dedicated to this staff and the newspaper. You showed me by example what it means to be a hard worker and I thank you for that and the many talks.
James Prettyman, thank you for never busting me and I am sure you would say thank your for not doing anything that I needed to bust you for, that I know of. I will miss you dearly.
I have learned in my 20 years of life that being loyal is valued and if you want something from someone you must be willing to give something in return. Be honest in everything that you do in life, give 100 percent of yourself it will be worth it.