October 17, 2024

Last will and testament of Sammie Fugate

From the time that I was a little girl, the plan was always that after high school, I would attend my first years of college at USU Eastern, or should I say the 13th grade. Those of us who are from Price and went to Carbon High, think this is just an extension of high school. Most of us continue living at home, you meet and take classes with the same kids you went to kindergarten with and you hang out with the same friends you’ve had since junior high.

This archived article was written by: Sammie Fugate

From the time that I was a little girl, the plan was always that after high school, I would attend my first years of college at USU Eastern, or should I say the 13th grade. Those of us who are from Price and went to Carbon High, think this is just an extension of high school. Most of us continue living at home, you meet and take classes with the same kids you went to kindergarten with and you hang out with the same friends you’ve had since junior high.
The only things that really change are the classes are a little more difficult and the teachers are different. So here is where the majority of the thanks that I have for USU Eastern go.
To Pam Cha, I’ve known you on a personal level my whole life, but can say after taking your class, I know you as an excellent educator as well. You took this shy, quiet girl and gave me the confidence that I needed to be able to stand in front of a room full of people and have a voice.
This can also be said for Carrie Icard for forcing me give my opinion on dozens of books by inspiring women similar to herself.
As someone who has never been anything, but horrible at math, thank you Melanie Nelson for making it not seem like a nightmare that has haunted me the way it had in previous classes and for making me actually feel like one of the smart math kids for once in my life!
Also thank you Curtis Icard for simplifying Shakespeare and for conducting an entertaining yet brilliant college English course that was not as scary as my high school teacher warned it would be.
Tyson Chappell, you are just funny! In your human anatomy lectures, you compared several things to Fight Club, I Love Lucy, the Incredible Hulk and many more nerdy things, making it much simpler for this nerd to understand the subject. But also thank you for making it one of the few classes that I had to work my butt off in because of that I can be proud of myself for the grade that I received.
Troy Stoddard, who used to work for the TRIO program, you were one of the only councilors I’ve met that didn’t treat me like I was just a number or another student taking up their time.
Thank you Scott Fredrick for opening my eyes to the world of photography and teaching me the skills that I use on a daily basis with my camera.
And last but not least thank you Susan Polster for accepting me into your newspaper class; which is more like a family and publishing my work. You are just a genuinely nice person who I feel takes an interest in every student she meets regardless of whether they are quiet or loud, dull or dramatic, a writer or a photographer.